Hello and welcome!

My name is Ulises, and I’m an aspiring screenwriter and filmmaker.

I’ve been writing for a little over five years, and I’m just about ready to share my fictional stories with you. For now, I’ll stick to telling my story.

Films have been a passion of mine since I was a boy, and in a sense I don’t feel much older than that boy from an imaginational standpoint. I’ve learned more about myself writing fictional stories than anything else I’ve ever done. It’s been my only therapy since I can’t afford real therapy. I’m blessed I’ve had to live without therapy, but nobody has an easy life. I’m constantly breaking out of my shell, but I hope my journey will reach and inspire others to reach for whatever it is they are wanting out of life.

Born in the city full of stars, my heart belongs in Springfield, Oregon, the true home of The Simpsons, where its humble charm continues to keep hope alive. In return, I hope to one day contribute to its charm with my writing, and give back to the city that gave me so many memories. Oregon is and will forever be my home, but I am setting sail on a this new chapter of my life and setting course to a better life for me and my family.

Feel free to peruse the projects I’ve been working on, if you haven’t, and if you have, well, this is it. That’s all I got for you on this page. Feel free to check out my YouTube channel for more, or if you prefer the written medium, my blog is also on somewhere on this website. Anyway, thank you for reading, visiting and supporting.

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