Ulises Ordonez Perez Ulises Ordonez Perez

Welcome To My Website

Hello and welcome. I’m sure you’ve scanned about this website of my creation, and I have no doubt you have deduced that I am an aspiring screenwriter. However, if I have spoiled the surprise, then it was my modest intention to do so. My name is Ulises, and it should be told that I am no connoisseur of films, rather a great admirer and student of the art itself, especially the writing.

Ever since I was a young man, I was not very gifted with eloquence or the ability to express a thought to its full extent. I still hope to one day speak with authority, but I lack the practice. Writing does help, and I long to have more time to read, but I desperately lack the time. I’m already a slow reader as it is, partly due to my disinterest in books as an adolescent which is partly due to my mother unable to read to me in English, because she didn’t know the language in those days. All the same, I am eternally grateful for her sacrifices and her hard work in raising a daughter and son on her own, and I’m also grateful to be born an American, in the colloquial sense of the word. So why write at all?

I love stories. In a sense movies did a lot of the raising in my childhood. Having a mother who didn’t know the customs or how to raise us in the States, my sister and I learned along side her, bumbling awkwardly through social environments, armed with what American television had to offer in those days. All things considered, I think we did alright. We got a chance at the American dream, and we’re still doing our best. And in that sense, our beautiful story is the only one I have, and it’s a true story at that. But now that I’m thirty, I feel that opportunities are slimming and doors are no longer opening for me. I probably shouldn’t say that. Instead I should say the opportunity to find a fulfilling career, that I love, and would be happy doing for the rest of my life is so close, yet so far.

Working a job that sucks out all the joy and energy you need to sit down and work on yourself can be quite depressing. So I decided to leave my comfort zone and quit that job. Suddenly, I feel relieved and young again, taking back my agency. However, other pressure are now building now that I have no income. For the past week, I hired myself to do a new job. Following my dreams. It doesn’t pay anything yet, but spirits are still high. So if you happen to stumble upon this, I hope it inspires you.

I do, however, want to supplement a small caveat before you make any decisions to follow your own dreams. Sacrifices will be made. And not every sacrifice guarantees or offers a promise that things will work out in the end. Because the truth is, I don’t know if it will. Just know that letting go of the corporate ladder or jumping off the pyramid scheme that is life, doesn’t mean you’re going to sprout wings before you hit the ground. It just means that you’re willing to hit rock bottom to find out. And if I do, then I’ll have something else to write about. But who knows, maybe you’re in a better position to make such a decision. I hope you are.

Thank you for reading.

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