Oregon is as equally uninteresting as it is vastly alluring. It struggles for an identity, but the charm is that it never cared to settle for one. However, beneath Portland’s facade, the city is becoming as bleak as the weather. Poverty is on the rise, business is in decline, and its citizens are divided by red and blue. In the valley, the city bleats with life, the fog rolls through forested hills, and the sky is incessantly shrouded in clouds. Stores and offices that once lit up a vibrant city, are mostly now vacant skeletons that extend through empty streets. Only a distant echo of a brighter future remains.

Detective Brooke O’Donnell, like her father, swore to uphold the law by following in his footsteps and to bring his murderer to justice. But chasing ghosts is put on hold when a serial killer threatens to come out of hiding and deal out his own judgement on law and city officials. In a stroke of twisted luck she comes face to face with the serial killer, but when fate gives her the deal of her life and her goal is within reach, she falls like a house of cards. She must now contend with her recovery to full health along with the slow, grueling work that is police procedure to bring this serial killer to justice. Her recovery, however, is only the first chapter of what is to come.

Gifted with the keen eye and steady aim of Artemis, Brooke’s marksmanship with firearms begins to slip as signs of Parkinson’s are slowly presenting. Infuriated by the thought of her independence being threatened, Brooke decides to commit herself to what she can control. In lieu of calm waters, though, the killer gets personal and Brooke is forced to weather the storm. Now, Brooke must contend with giving her life to catching a killer, or living a life of sorrow and regret. But the more her skills fade, the answer starts becoming clear.

In this thriller, Brooke’s integrity is tested as she ventures down the rabbit hole of obsession. Her investigation, life, body and mind begin to fall apart, forcing her into corners. She makes rash decisions the further she is willing to pursue this unhinged monster, and her overwhelming sense of duty and pride just might outweigh her convictions.


Silence Of The Lambs — Jonathan Demme

No Country For Old Men — Joel & Ethan Coen

Prisoners — Denis Villeneuve

Seven — David Fincher

Nocturnal Animals — Tom Ford

Sicario — Denis Villeneuve

Zodiac — David Fincher



  • Crime, Drama, Thriller

  • Sacrifice does not promise nor is it a guarantee of a better outcome.

    Family is a choice and a privilege; and the value of one is sometimes taken for granted.

    Justice comes at a greater price than can be afforded.

  • 6th Draft Pending
