Working Title


The mind: a beautiful servant, a dangerous master.
— Osho

Life is filled with duality, and there is a vast amount of spectrums. Building block after block of circumstance or state of being, the formations are limitless. There are some who tamper with the structures of nature and matter for necessity or the betterment of each other. Some manipulate these systems for self gain while others corrupt the design entirely for power. Intelligence is a powerful tool, but can be equally dangerous when faced with life or death.

Maxwell is a student at Harvard studying biomedical sciences and medicinal chemistry in hopes of discovering a cure for his ailments. Ever since he was a young boy, Maxwell was diagnosed with disabilities that made his life impossible. But there was one gift that god bestowed upon Max, his incredible mind. Now nearing the end of his studies, and after years of lab experiments, Maxwell comes up with the ultimate drug to cure him. But when he entrusts his good friend and professor with this knowledge, he disapproves of him going public with his findings for reasons that could crumble institutions and even the world. Plagued by his decision to get funding for testing the drug, Maxwell takes it upon himself to know if it works. But everything has a side effect.

As if touched by god, Maxwell is able to walk, his ailments and terminal diseases cured, and his body is at ultimate health. From living under several ailments to feeling normal like everyone else, feels like a super power he never had. But at night the chemicals from the drug corrupt his spinal fluid that seep into his brain, awakening his subconscious and hijacking his body. Maxwell turns into a rage-filled, killing machine.

As Maxwell wrestles with consequences, ultimatums and his moralities, he leaves a wake of death and destruction every night he goes to bed sleeping soundly without him having to hook up to machines that otherwise would keep him awake and alive.


  • Maxwell’s Silver Hammer — The Beatles

  • Donnie Darko — Richard Kelly

    Upgrade — Leigh Whannell

    Drive — Nicolas Winding Refn


  • The remarkable dichotomy of humankind’s ability to create and destroy.

    Health is a power most of us take for granted, it is only when we are sick, aging or dying we realize our power to change our lives were wasted for others.

  • Drama, Thriller

  • Outline Pending


