California is home to some of the largest empires and names in the U.S. Most of those empires operate legally and ethically, and a few of them that operate in the shadows. And then there are those that operate in a system that is modeled and thrives off the backs of troubled people, such as prisons or farms. But in the city of Los Angeles, corruption and poverty feed an entirely new kind of beast.

Robert is recently released from jail after taking the fall for his thieving friends. And now that he’s out, he’s looking to turn over a new leaf, but life after prison is more difficult than he anticipated. When Robert seeks help from the people he used to know, they all reject him. As he walks the streets at night, he sees the poverty stricken streets that stretch for miles, he listens to the sounds of the crime riddled city, crying out for help, and he sits alone in the shadows, unable to do anything about his situation. But when Robert sees a young boy named Julian being attacked by two muggers, Robert takes matters into his own hands. Robert gets an idea and rummages through the pockets of the muggers, he realizes he can make a living from fighting crime.

Once befriending Julian, he finds out there’s more to him than meets the eye, a talented genius of sorts. Gifted with amazing mechanical and crafting talent, Julian builds gadgets to help Robert fight crime. And in the business of fighting crime, business was good. As Robert is kicking criminal ass and taking their earnings, he realizes that he has become hypocritical of the systems that are also keeping him down, but it’s too late, as the damage he’s caused has a crime empire looking for him. Now he must protect the ones he loves and bring people together to stand up to the corporate giant that seeks to take advantage of law abiding citizens and struggling criminals alike.


  • Fighting crime is not always the answer. Tackling a problem shouldn’t always resort to violent means.

  • Action, Drama

  • First Draft Pending


